Henry (Hal) Zorn is a retired senior executive officer with the Regina Police Service who most
recently spent six-years with the Government of Saskatchewan where he was responsible for managing complex workplace investigations.  He has extensive experience in local and international policing and managed sensitive workplace investigative and training matters for over a decade.  His educational
background and distinctive management experience within policing and government has largely contributed to his career success.

Henry is a certified, bonded private investigator who has a Government of Canada Top Secret level security clearance.  He earned a certificate in administration at the University of Regina, completed a two-year Senior Police Executive Educational Development Program at the University of Regina and attended the Senior Management Institute for Police, at the University of Boston, where he graduated from the Executive Strategic Management Course of Study.  

Henry’s full resume is available upon request.  Professional development highlights include:

  • Government of Canada, Top Secret Clearance (Certificate Number 000240406)
  • Mastering Fact-Finding and Investigation Program (Queens University IRC)
  • Synthetic Drug Operations Conference (RCMP)
  • Police Internal Affairs (Institute of Police Technology and Management)
  • Behavioral Analysis of Sexually Related Deaths (Mount Royal College)
  • Instructor/Facilitator Techniques Course (RCMP)
  • Major Crimes Investigators Course (CPC)
  • Extremism and Terrorism Course (CPC)
  • Reid Interview and Interrogation Course (SPC)
  • Internal Affairs and Ethics Seminar (RPS)
  • Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED, SPC)
  • Emergency Public Information Officer Course
  • Media Communications Course (CPC)
  • Public Order Training Course (Charles O. Bick College)
  • Emergency Site Management 
  • Sexual Abuse Intervention Workshop (SPC)
  • Child Abuse Investigators Course (SPC)
  • Systems Approach to Training Design and Delivery (CPC)
  • FBI Sex Crimes Seminar
  • Koga Arrest and Control (200 hours)

Henry (Hal) Zorn
Henry (Hal) Zorn